Sunday, April 10, 2011

New Zealand

43° 59′ 0″ S170° 27′ 0″ E

Today I visited New Zealand! In the picture above I decided to let my friend, Qwert (the blue dude in the picture) that I met on my flight there, take me some place random and we went hiking. He wouldn't tell me where that was so sorry everyone! But I had a blast! The weather was amazing and it wasn't that hard of hiking! Qwert then told me that New Zealand was on the Alpine fault. I had no clue what that was so I asked him about it. He said that it is a transform boundary  between the Pacific plate and the Indo-Australian plate. Me, remembering what a transform boundary was, clarified it with him. I told him about how I learned that a transform boundary is when two plates grind against each other, get locked due to the ruggedness of the plates, and then the pressure builds up and then it breaks causing an earthquake. He was amazed on how knowledgeable I was about it and so he let me teach him about ALL the plate boundaries. It started to get dark so we decided to head to his families house. He let me stay at his house for my whole New Zealand trip and saved me $400 by letting me stay at his house instead of a hotel! I finally had to leave and I said goodbye to his whole family. His brother's name was Yuiop, mother's name was Asdf, father's name was Ghjkl, and he had a dog that had an extremely long name, Zxcvbnm. I thanked them all and went back on my flight.


  1. Im so amazed that you met someone named Qwert. That is sooo cool. You HAVE to introduce me one of these days

  2. Love the name of your blog! I also love the pictures, they are really pretty! Like McLean, I can't believe you met someone named Qwert! I totally want to meet him :)
    I really like how you combined scientific information with fun information

  3. These names are just so creative, I wonder where they're from? Anyway, this is a great blog I enjoyed every post.
