Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Himalayas!

28° 0′ 0″ N82° 0′ 0″ E

The Himalayas are the HUGE mountain range in northern India. I decided that I wanted to hike in the Himalayas (even though it's extremely difficult). I went over to a place called, "Hiking the Himalayas for Dummies" and applied for a class there. They didn't accept me right away so in my spare time I did my research. I learned that (also in the picture above) the India land mass wasn't attached to Asia until 10 million years ago! It is a convergent collision boundary, which means that when the two land masses collided, they created mountains (unlike subduction which means a plate goes under the other and makes volcanoes) The Indian plate is still moving into the Eurasian plate at about 6.7 cm per year. That means that in 10 years it will travel 932 miles into the Eurasian plate! I got a call from the Hiking the Himalayas for Dummies and they said that they were too full so I couldn't hike it. Darn! But it's fine because I would have chickened out anyways... Well see you all later!

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