Thursday, April 7, 2011


Today I visited Iceland. I always thought Iceland was icy, but it's mostly quite the opposite. It's warmer there than in Greenland, because Greenland is closer to the North Pole. The economy here is just crashing down. The currency there, Kronur, used to be 77 per US dollar, but now it's 117 per US dollar! The whole country declared bankruptcy and the bank industry completely collapsed!

I visited the Blue Lagoon, a geothermal pool! It's heated by a nearby geothermal plant and it was so refreshing!

I also stayed up until 5 in the morning watching the Aurora Borealis (aka the Northern Lights) It was super pretty! While I was there, a man asked me if he knew anything about the geography on Iceland. I replied no and he told me all about how it will eventually be separated! 
Iceland is in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, in the middle between the Eurasia plate and the North American plate. It's called a divergent boundary. A divergent boundary is when plates are separating and the empty hole the break leaves will be filled in with water! It won't break apart for many many years but it's still kinda cool to think about!
Ok well that's all I have to say today! Bye!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my god!!! I love Iceland! Those pictures are gorgeous and your trip sounded fantastic. Great job!!!
